Tuesday, August 14, 2012

days with koreans

Holla! ^^  
So, this is my story.

Last week, a group of Koreans come to my city. They have their own mission to do. But, as the student of the Korean Class, we got some chances to meet.

For me, the most memorable time was when I saw their traditional performances. It's truly my first time seeing the performances LIVE (and free, haha). 

So those are some of their performances : 

1. 부채춤

It's called 부채춤 (bu-chae-chum) or Korean fan dance. Mr. Wikipedia says it usually performed by a group of female dancers. In the dance being performed, the dancers represent images using the fans. Example, birds, flowers, butterflies and waves. Anyway, it's totally DOPE! I was thinking about to upload the video which my friend recorded it to youtube.. but the file is just so so big and it's have a lot of shakes.. so... hehehe

2. 사물놀이

the boys played  북  (except the one on the left, he played 꽹과리)

There were three people played 장고, and the right-front played 꽹과리

The one left-behind played  

This one is called 사물놀이(sa-mul-nol-i). Again, Mr Wikipedia give me a lot of informations. HAHA. So, 사물놀이사물 itself means four objects, we can see that it has four instruments, and 놀이(noli) is play. You know what? Each instruments represents a different wheather condition; It has a small gong called  꽹과리 (ggwaenggwari), which is represent the thunder, the (jing), a larger gong, which is represent the sounds of the wind, the 장고 or (jango or jangu), an hourglass-shaped drum, it represents rain, and the  (buk), a barrel drum similar to the bass drum, represents clouds. Whoaaa~ That's awesome! IMHO, the music sounds like Chinese culture - Barongsai (舞狮) or 사자춤 if you know. But it's a lil bit longer and more dynamic. 

The last one is 태권도

The last one is 태권도 (TaeKwonDo). Which mostly known as the material art and the national sport of South Korea. What made this performance impressive was they did 태권도 moves with Super Junior Sorry-sorry's beat! So somehow we saw it as a dance. 

Met and made friend with them somehow encourage me up to learn more about Korean language. In fact, I DO lose my interest in learning Korean nowadays... :'( I was questioned myself, "Should I stop?" when suddenly they came. It's kinda hard to communicate well in a little knowledge of Korean though. So, I'm sure that I need to learn more-more, and more. But how? Do you guys have any recommendation?  

BONUS : INA <3 KOR. It's an anagram of INDONESIA <3 KOREA. They stayed over at our house for one night and we made this before went to sleep. Is it nice? :D 

Disclaimer :
1. All photos are captured by me, GBEROCKS. I snapped it in an amateur way. Comments and suggestions are very welcome! ^^ 
2. Thanks a lot to Mr. Wikipedia! I don't know how to live without you~~~~~~~~ lalala 

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